Step 2 CK Write-Up

~ Score: 263 ~

 & A Bit of a Unique Story 

Sometimes You Might Need to Repeat the Exam Without Failing It—Be Prepared for All Circumstances!


Study Plan and Resources:

🕥 Pre-Dedicated Period: (Active learning and spaced repetition are key)

⏱️ Dedicated Period: (I combined my annual and unpaid leave to get a total of 9 weeks)


Exam Day(s):

1️⃣ First Exam: I traveled to another city and stayed in a hotel near the Prometric center. I was well-rested and ready, arriving early to get acquainted with the environment. The first three blocks of the exam went smoothly, allowing me ample time to review marked questions. However, during the 4th block, a power outage caused by nearby construction halted the exam. The test center had no backup power, and after a two-hour wait, the session was canceled. I waited in darkness for another two hours before being informed that the exam had to be evaluated by NBME before any decision is made.

I submitted a complaint that day, and the next day, NBME informed me they would investigate and involve their “scoring and analysis” specialists to determine if any part of my exam hit the threshold that could be scored or if I would have to retake it. After a prolonged wait of approximately 5 days and several calls and emails, I was told I would need to retake the exam. NBME sent me a new scheduling permit and extended my eligibility period by three months. I decided to take the exam at the earliest opportunity on July 14th. Despite the inconvenience and disruption, I remained hopeful and used the extra time to prepare as best as I could.

2️⃣ Second Exam: I followed my usual routine but found the questions to be longer and more complex, with frequent lengthy H&P-style stems. I struggled to finish each block with time to spare and marked over ten questions per block without the chance to revisit most of them. A few questions (five or fewer) were repeated from the first exam. Overall, the experience was tiring, and I felt my performance was below my usual standard. I emailed NBME after the exam to ask whether I would receive a mixed score from the two sessions or only from the second one, and they responded that the first session was completely expunged. Despite the score drop from what I had predicted, ALHAMDULILLAH I’m satisfied with my final score, which is still above average and meets the cutoff for my desired specialty applications.

✉️ Takeaway: Prepare for unexpected challenges and complications, as they are inevitable in both exams and medical careers. Even on difficult days, give your best effort, as perfection is not always possible

📒 Side Note: I'm interested in DR/IR and would like to be involved with active research projects. If you can help or know someone who can, please reach out to me at or other social media platforms at the bottom of this page.

Wish you all the best of luck and success! 

Written by: Husam E. Maglad, MD